Buying isn't always better than leasing. But sometimes investing in your business by buying new equipment may be the better way to go. At Dall-ICE, we will help you determine whether leasing or buying is right for you. We'll never sell you something you don't need.
Ice machines are finicky and known as the "problem child" of many restaurants and businesses. They require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure your ice is safe for consumption. That regular service costs time and money. When you lease Dall-ICE machines, we take the hassle out of the equation. We install, care for, and clean our machines. We invest in repairs if needed. When you lease with us, you don't have to worry about anything but your business.
As the most reputable distributor of commercial ice and refrigerator equipment in South Central Texas, Dall-ICE offers only the best units to our customers. When you purchase commercial equipment from us, you ensure that the unit fits your facility’s exact specifications perfectly. Rather than breaking down after a few years, our equipment has a reputation for running over 10-15 years with proper maintenance.
Tell us where you are, and we'll arrange for commercial ice and refrigeration equipment to arrive at your door.
Dall-ICE is also centrally located between San Antonio and Austin providing service to maintain equipment from Fredericksburg to Kerrville, Victoria to Corpus Christi, McAllen to Laredo, and across other areas in South Central Texas.
Regular Hours | M-F, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Emergency Service | After hours + weekends
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