With over 25 years of experience in commercial ice and refrigeration, we are the experts that restaurant equipment retailers and business owners trust for commercial equipment across the United States.
We know that purchasing equipment is a huge investment. Talk to us about your goals, needs and expectations we'll help you find what commercial ice, refrigeration, grilling and display equipment best fits your business.
From ice machines to self-contained or walk-in coolers, slush machines, soft serve ice cream dispensers, grills and hot burners, we have all the equipment you need.
We work directly with restaurant equipment stores and restaurants themselves to ensure that they get the best equipment at the best possible price. The first step is as simple as sending an email or giving us a call to learn more about our products and features.
If you're unsure what equipment would work best for your business, budget, and facility, one of our experts will work with you to find what you exactly what you need.
We care about ensuring that your business is a success. With that in mind, we work with you to make sure that you are getting only the restaurant and commercial refrigeration equipment that you need. In a matter of minutes, we can set up a quick-and-easy delivery.
No matter where in the United States your business or restaurant is, we are ready to ship restaurant equipment, refrigerators, commercial freezers, ice machines, bakery cases, burners, grills and cold beverage dispensers directly to your door.
In just one phone call, we can have your new units on their way to you.
As your business evolves, so may your commercial ice and refrigeration needs. When you buy equipment from Dall-ICE, we'll keep in touch with you to make sure that your equipment is doing what you need it to do.
Tell us where you are, and we'll arrange for commercial ice and refrigeration equipment to arrive at your door.
Dall-ICE is also centrally located between San Antonio and Austin providing service to maintain equipment from Fredericksburg to Kerrville, Victoria to Corpus Christi, McAllen to Laredo, and across other areas in South Central Texas.
Regular Hours | M-F, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Emergency Service | After hours + weekends
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